If you're publishing at a commercial printing service or camera store, ask a representative in advance what resolution they can accept. 如果图片将通过专业印刷机构或图片社发布,可以事先向销售代表询问他们能接受的分辨率是多少。
Statistics show that per capita commercial area is1 square meter in some representative international city. 人均商业面积是体现一个国际城市流通业饱和度的重要指标。
Other foreign enterprises can apply straightly to the industrial and commercial administration for resident representative offices. 其它外国企业在深设立常驻代表机构可直接向工商部门申报。
Commercial laws of Japan and Korea provide representative directors system. 日本和韩国商法规定了代表董事制度。
The rapid development of the housing financial transaction with the commercial bank housing consumption credit as its representative greatly enhances the consumers 'purchasing house payment ability, and housing consumption credit has been the major means to purchase their houses. 以商业银行住房消费贷款为代表的住房金融业务的迅猛发展,极大的提高了居民购房的支付能力,成为居民提前实现住房消费的重要手段。
The city-residential buildings with commercial facilities on ground floor is the most universal and popular representative. 底层带商店(场)的城市住宅是其中最为普遍、大众化的代表。
In that way, whether the manager has the right to sign on behalf of company? In the west, the manager authority of the manager is taken for commercial agency, and it mainly shows as the representative and administrative competence. 那么经理是否有代表公司签字的权利?在西方国家,经理的经理权被认为商事代理权,主要表现为代表权能和管理权能。
These advantages make international commercial mediation as the most representative one of ADR, become the most popular dispute solution beyond the lawsuit and arbitration in international trade field. 这些优势使得国际商事调解作为ADR最具代表性的一种,已超越诉讼、仲裁成为国际商事领域最受欢迎的争议解决方式。
Then, select the four major state-owned commercial banks as the representative sample of Chinese commercial banks and foreign banks in the management, innovation and service competition in the field were compared, pointing out the advantages of state-owned banks and their shortcomings. 然后,选择四大国有商业银行作为中国商业银行的样本代表与外资银行在管理、创新以及服务等竞争领域进行了对比,指出了国有银行的优势及其存在的不足。
The commercial area in the city and even the central area of the city is becoming more and more important, and is becoming a representative, its promoted the development of contemporary city. 商业区在整个城市乃至城市中心区的地位越来越重要,成为城市中的一个代表,推动了当代城市的发展。
The common law as the name suggests is a common mode of the enterprise bankruptcy law also adapted to the bankruptcy of the commercial bank, the chief representative is the British common law system commercial bank bankruptcy bankruptcy mode. 普通法模式顾名思义就是普通企业破产法也适应于商业银行破产,主要代表是英国的普通法法系商业银行破产法破产模式。
Chapter one analysis the representative rules of the International Commercial Arbitration. On the basis of chapter one, chapter two carries the representative rules in detail. Then, chapter three compares rules of evidence in international commercial arbitration with that in domestic civil proceedings. 第一章采用分析法,以《IBA证据规则》分析了国际商事仲裁中的代表性证据规则,在上述基础上,第二章,对有代表性的国际商事仲裁证据规则进行了详细的阐述。
Divide into sections of research consider whole commercial bank private succession, continuity and systematicness of thought, choosing every periods, the representative special topic concentrate on describing. 在各章分节研究中按照论文研究的主题和范围充分考虑整个商业银行民营思想的继承性、连续性和系统性,选择各时期有代表性的专题集中论述。
Song Dynasty capital as the political and economic center, its flourishing degree of natural non He county, is the commercial prosperity of the typical representative of song dynasty. 两宋京城作为宋代的政治和经济中心,其繁华程度自然非他郡所比,是宋代商业繁荣的典型代表。
Industrial and Commercial Bank of A branch as compared with general representative city branch in the face of the complex domestic and international economic environment, more stringent regulatory requirements, financial support media and market interest rates gradually, to obtain stable and rapid development. A分行作为工商银行具有普遍代表性的城市分行,在面对目前国内外复杂多变的经济环境,愈加严格的监管要求,金融脱媒和利率市场化逐步显现时取得稳定快速发展。
With the development of global economy, as a special commercial subject, Representative office is playing an increasing role in international trade exchange activities. 随着全球经济的发展,外资代表处作为特殊商事主体在促进国际贸易交流活动中扮演着越来越重要的角色。
China is in the transitional period now, the currently historical stage of the system vicissitude of commercial bank is one of the most representative system. 现在我国处于转型时期,商业银行制度变迁目前所处的历史阶段是最具代表性的制度变迁内容之一。